

All information regarding applications for registration or re-registration for a PhD at Aix Marseille University is accessible by clicking on the following link:


The duration of the thesis, as defined by the decree of May 25, 2016, is generally 3 full-time equivalent years dedicated to research and training.

Registration and/or re-registration for a PhD must be completed or renewed at the beginning of each academic year by logging into the PhD candidates and graduates' information, services, and communication portal (ADUM).

Registration/re-registration for a PhD is done in two phases:

  1. Pedagogical registration with the Doctoral School via ADUM before October 10, except for doctoral contracts (before September 10). Once this step is validated,
  2. Administrative registration with the student affairs services of your component before November 30 of the academic year:

Please note that first-year PhD candidates are not affected by the above deadlines.

  • CV
  • Master's degree and grades or equivalent
  • Thesis project (maximum 5 pages)
  • Proof of funding (contract, proof of resources, employment, etc.)
  • Request for thesis co-supervision (if applicable) if the co-supervisor is non-HDR. If the co-supervisor is not a teacher at AMU, please ask your thesis supervisor to contact the Doctoral School.


In order to enroll as "on the job PhD student" you need to submit the following documents:

-Your formal work contract giving the legal information of the employer (i.e siret, address, etc)  as well as details about the employee's job, pay, working hours, etc.

-Three most recent pay slips: "on-the-job" PhD students are required to earn at least 10,000 euros per year.

-Motivation letter


-Academic records: undergraduate and Master grades. If the Master's degree is obtained from a non-European university, it is necessary to obtain a "Dispense the Master" certification before being eligible for enrollment. Please be aware that obtaining this certification is not guaranteed.

-Supervisor's letter: A letter from one professor belonging to the doctoral school confirming his/her agreement to supervise your PhD.

-Research unit director's letter: A letter of agreement from the director of your supervisor’s research unit.

Additionally, please be reminded that (1) some of the research centers associated with the doctoral school may impose more constraining requirements to enroll as "on the job PhD student" (i.e. AMSE): (2) "on-the-job" PhD students are considered to be in "formation continue," meaning they are part-time PhD students and need to pay the corresponding tuition fees.


Your request for authorization to register will then be validated digitally by your Research Director, then by the Director of the Research Unit, and finally by the Director of the Doctoral School. You will then contact the doctoral student affairs office of your component (see above) to proceed to phase 2: your administrative registration.

  • Re-registration in the 2nd and 3rd year, by logging into ADUM to update your profile and submit additional documents. You must update the list of courses attended on ADUM. The doctoral school will ensure at each re-registration that the number of training hours attended is sufficient to reach the 100 hours required by the end of the 3rd year. Note that from 2021-2022 onwards, the Research Ethics and Scientific Integrity courses must be taken from the first year of the thesis.
  • Re-registration in the 4th year: the 4th year requires a request for an extension subject to approval (special request). It will be completed on ADUM (documents to be attached) accompanied by a motivated letter from the doctoral student and the thesis follow-up committee report. The reasoned opinions of the thesis supervisor and the director of the research unit must appear in ADUM. The request will then be reviewed by the Doctoral School Council for approval. If the Doctoral School Council's opinion is favorable, the request will be validated in ADUM, and the doctoral student can proceed to their Administrative Registration with the student affairs office of their component.
  • Special registrations beyond the 4th year are granted only on an exceptional basis by the Director of Doctoral Training after the opinion of the Doctoral School Council. The doctoral student must have finalized their request for re-registration in ADUM by October 10. The "Special Request for Re-registration in the Doctorate" files must be sent to the Doctoral School in electronic format. They will include:
    • a motivated letter from the doctoral student,
    • the opinion of the follow-up committee (uploaded to ADUM),
    • the list of doctoral training courses attended (extracted from ADUM),
    • a reasoned letter from the thesis supervisor endorsed by the director of the research unit,
    • the thesis in electronic pdf format,
    • a provisional thesis completion schedule,
    • the designation of the proposed reviewers and jury.